The Voluntary Solidarity Fund international

Information on VSF Spain

  • VSF Spain ( has defined itself as a non-profit aceleradora de solidaridad (“solidarity enabler”) whose aim is ayuda a ayudar (“helping to help”).
  • VSF Spain tries to establish an efficient bridge between business organisations and people in business, on the one side, and, on the other side, solidarity initiatives which help people in danger or marginalisation to “stand on their own feet” in innovative ways and based on their own successful experience.
  • For the pilot phase, four projects have been selected in the Madrid area:
    • IT crash courses for unemployed people, organized by Fundación Pablo VI and the Centesimus Annus Foundation Madrid group. This is an essential vocational training opportunity for people who need to update their digital skills and recover better levels of employability.
    • Xicos que hablan, a coaching program for male teenagers against gender violence organized by Fundación Luz Casanovas, which has decades of experience working with women in vulnerable position.
    • Casa de la cultura y la solidaridad, the refurbishing of a building to be used as a new permanent care and training centre by the Community of Sant’Egidio, with more than 40 years’ experience of caring for the homeless in Madrid.
    • Solar energy equipment for two care centres operated by Caritas-Madrid, with more than 500 homeless housing accommodations, to improve their carbon footprint and reach better financial efficiency for the sake of increasing charitable operations.
  • In order to mobilize solidarity resources from the business world, VSF Spain is establishing contact with employers’ organisations, chambers of commerce and business think-tanks, especially in order to reach small and medium sized companies which plan to increase their philanthropy involvement.
  • The proposal to companies, business organisations and people in business includes:
    • Donations to VSF or to the projects directly
    • Sponsoring of a particular solidarity project
    • Helping in kind
    • Coaching for employability
    • Crowdfunding initiatives for specific purposes
    • Organizing sports crowdfunding events, in collaboration with a specialized organisation
    • Wealth management proposal where a share of management fees and of realised gains are earmarked for VSF projects, in collaboration with a Catholic faith-consistent wealth management organisation.
  • VSF Spain operates as a branch of VSF International, recognized by Spanish tax authorities for tax rebate according to Spanish regulations.